We buy all models of Linhof Cameras in as-is condition.
Our goal is to preserve these beautiful cameras for future generations to use for photography.
Whether the camera needs bellows replacement, a full service or is best used for parts.
Technika 4x5- III, IV, V and Master
Technika 6x9 - 2x3- III, IV and V
Technika 5x7 - III, IV and V models
Linhof Kardan Monorail Cameras-
45, 45S, Color, Bi-Kardan, GT, ST-E, TE, TL, GTL and older Kardan Color 5x7 and 8x10 Models.
We also buy Linhof accessories and professional tripods.
Please send us an email at info@LaflexCamera.com or call 310-905-9976 if you have a camera outfit you'd like to sell.